IRS (IP Restriction Scanner) allows you to scan your network for any restriction of service on a determined host, like a server, router, or switch. For example, you and your partners are connected to the same network, and you cannot download music but the administrator can. It could mean that some addresses are blocked by an IP filter, firewall, or an ACL. IRS works on the data link layer and uses ARP Poisoning also known as ARP Spoofing, as well as the Half-Scan technique, and checks for the addresses you must spoof. The scanning process modifies the IP source address in every SYN packet sent to the target and redirects IP traffic to your computer. After this, the target replies to the SYN requests using your MAC address as destination in the Ethernet frame. IRS supports Ethernet adapter only and requires the Winpcap driver in order to work (it is included in the installation setup file). IRS may slow down your network performance because it must process packets that normally it doesn't see. You can't use IRS on different subnets or VLAN's.